You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Inventory > Item Inquiry - Inquiry > Inquiry - Other Branches
Inquiry - Other Branches

This inquiry displays the stock on hand of an item across multiple companies/branches.



To display stock on hand for colour/size items or master items, refer to "Inquiry - Colour Inquiry".

  1. Open the Item Inquiry screen for the item you want to inquire on.

Refer to "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen" (MDS and MRF) or "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen" (POS).


Micronet displays the Other Branches Inquiry screen.

This screen displays the following details:






The branch or company at which the stock is held.



The warehouse in which the stock is held.


On Hand

The quantity of the item on hand.


On Backorder

The quantity of the item on backorder.


On B/O Allocation

The quantity of the item on backorder that has been allocated for invoicing.


On Hold

The quantity of the item on hold.


On Order

The quantity of the item currently on order with the supplier.


Components Used



Kit on Worksorder



Free Stock

The free stock quantity of the item.

  1. If you have a branch report setup, select the Reports button.

For more information on setting up reports, refer to "Reports - Report Generator".

  1. When you have finished with the Other Branches Inquiry screen, select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Item Inquiry screen where you can perform another inquiry if required.

  1. Select FILE | NEW to inquire on a different item.